For the last two years, our Young Adult bulletin board has had a stationary spotlight display. Every month, 2 new books are featured in the spotlight. Pictures of their covers, a brief description of the book and their shelf location are posted in this area.
Write to a Reindeer
Write to a Reindeer
By Anna Tyszka
This was inspired by passive programs to write letters to Santa.
Cardboard Mailbox Tutorial
Cardboard Mailbox Tutorial
By Anna Tyszka
Truth time. I hadn't planned to do a tutorial of this so the pictures aren't as explanatory as I'd like. Truth time. I hadn't planned to do a tutorial of this so the pictures aren't as explanatory as I'd like.
Among Us YA Book Display
Among Us YA Book Display
By Anna Tyszka
Books themes are characters who are imposters or pretending to be something they're not, who-dun-it's, murder mystery types and mistaken identity. Books themes are characters who are imposters or pretending to be something they're not, who-dun-it's, murder mystery types and mistaken identity.
Card-Board Stand Ups
Card-Board Stand Ups
By Anna Tyszka
Sometimes you want display items to stand out. One way I do that is by making them stand up! Here's my simplest method of making characters stand up for book displays.
Voting @ the Library for kids
Voting @ the Library for kids
By Anna Tyszka
What's a Presidential Election if there's no run-off between literary characters at the library? What's a Presidential Election if there's no run-off between literary characters at the library?
Skyrim Screenshots
Columbus Day Storytime .... kinda
Columbus Day Storytime .... kinda
By Anna Tyszka
For a virtual Columbus Day program, the Christopher Columbus stand-ups were made for a re-telling of Columbus's discovery of the Americas. They include, the Santa Maria, Columbus, Portugal and Spain. As an activity for the kiddos, I made printable copies for them to take home and complete.
Johnny Appleseed
Johnny Appleseed
By Anna Tyszka
Johnny Appleseed was supposed to get a biographical retelling with fun props, similar to the Columbus Day story .... However, that didn't happen due to timing issues. So this post is more of a dump of undeveloped ideas and intentions that you might can work with and build on. Characters and visuals made from construction paper were going to be
Area 51 YA Book Display
Area 51 YA Book Display
By Anna Tyszka
Cleaning up and reorganizing My Documents and my USB and stumbled across this YA display from last September when everyone wanted to storm Area 51.Notice the prime spots go to one of my favorite YA series, The Xenith Trilogy Chani Lynn Feener. Two new alien books that have come out in 2020 are It Came From the Sky by
The Old Woman and Her Pig Flannel Story
The Old Woman and Her Pig Flannel Story
By Anna Tyszka
This is an English fairy tale about an old woman who can't get her new pig to go over a stile. It's getting late, she's in a rush to get home before dark and asks the other animals for help. The way she asks for help is by getting each animal or object to be unkind to the
Harry Potter Bingo - How many have you done?
Harry Potter Bingo - How many have you done?
By Anna Tyszka
I'd forgotten how fun Bingo sheets were to make until this summer. Click the links for Buffy Bingo and Pokemon Bingo! 💚💛💜
Frogs and Bugs Storytime
Frogs and Bugs Storytime
By Anna Tyszka
There are two different storytimes we do during a normal library week: PreK storytimes for ages 3+ and Book Babies for ages 3 and under. Around age 3 we encourage families to try out both programs and see what works best for them. Even attend both of them if they like! This program was originally planned as a
Printable Unicorn Card
Printable Unicorn Card
By Anna Tyszka
A simple printable card template for kids. Print it out, color it and cut it out! Doesn't get much simpler than that, does it? This printable unicorn card was inspired by Simple Everyday Mom's DIY Unicorn Card Craft For Kids. While hers is AMAZING, it required too many steps for our library kids to do so I designed
Weaving and Feather Crafts
Weaving and Feather Crafts
By Anna Tyszka
This entry will contain templates to one weaving and two feather crafts. These are Native American inspired and were used in our Covid-19 summer to-go craft kits in lieu of our in-house programming. The story that went along with these was "When Turtle Grew Feathers" by Tim Tingle. This is a Choctaw version of Aesop's "The Tortoise and
Knights and Dragons Kid Activities
Knights and Dragons Kid Activities
By Anna Tyszka
There were two crafts for our Knights and Dragon weekly summer kits: Dragon Paper Chain and a Knight's Shield. It also included a writing prompt and shield templates to design your own crest on. Unfortunately, this kit wasn't as creative as some of the others, but this is what I've got! Dragon Paper Chain This printable dragon paper
Alice in Wonderland Printables
Alice in Wonderland Printables
By Anna Tyszka
These 4 worksheets were passed out during our Alice in Wonderland week for kids to take home to do during Covid. They are aimed at tweens ages 8-12, with an elapsed time math worksheet, practicing similes and metaphors and two imagination activities. Scroll down for a PDF of everything Here's a brief run-down of the different printables... Mystery
Alice in Wonderland Bulletin Board
Alice in Wonderland Bulletin Board
By Anna Tyszka
Unlike other passive participation bulletin boards, this one required a little bit of effort on the part of our library users. Passive Program The concept of this board was to have patrons write both a simile and metaphor about either the library or reading. Kids were sent home with this worksheet included in our Alice in Wonderland To-Go
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About Me
Hello! My name is Anna and welcome to my blog. I enjoy reading, crafting, and the like. I'm always looking for new crafting ideas and since I'm continuously taken to other peoples blogs, I thought "why not make my own?"
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