Keep Trying Storytime

Let me get this out of the way by saying: In no way is this my cutest story time to date. It was a theme that I inherited and I struggled finding the right material for it. So if you're trying to create a story time around this concept, maybe this will help! 

After our good morning songs, we talked about the word, "perseverance". We practiced saying it out loud and defined it.

SONG: Try Again (Tune: If You're Happy And You Know It)

If you make a big mistake, try again x2

If you make a big mistake, take a breath and show your strength

If you make a big mistake, try again

This was the only strongly themed song of the time. 

BOOK: Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Fleming

When it came time to pick out my main book, there were several that were considered but none of them were it. You know? This one wasn't it either but it's a cute story, nonetheless. Others considered were the 2 far right titles in the graphic. 

MUSIC SONG: Jump, Jump by Joanie Leeds

Because this was such a long book I knew I wanted to have a dance song directly following this book. 

To seat the kids down and get them ready for my next bit (talking about Walt Disney) we has a sitting rhyme.

RHYME: Point to a window

Point to a window

Point to a door

Point to the ceiling

Point to the floor. 

Between this rhyme and our next rhyme, I took a moment to talk about Walt Disney and a few of his failures. The main fact I shared with the kids was that he was once fired from  newspaper because he "lacked creativity", he had no imagination. This idea was tied back to the theme because he persevered and kept drawing/creating and if he had given up, where would Disney be now? 

Since Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse, I felt like I could include the next rhyme . . . 

RHYME: Little Clapping Mouse

Except for this rhyme, I swapped 2 words and instead of being a clapping mouse, we sang about a tapping mouse and passed out rhythm sticks.Here are the words. Each asterisk * signals a tap with the sticks.

Behind the tree * *

And under the house * *

There lived a teeny * *

Tiny mouse * *

She loved to sing * *

She loved to clap * *

But most of all * *

She loved to tap * *

She tapped all night * *

She tapped all day * *

She tapped to frighten * *

The cat away * * * * * * * * * * * (lots of taps, meow)

BOOK: Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus

Then we ended with another music song because I felt like this was lacking in interactive elements.  

MUSIC SONG: If You're Happy and You Know It by Pancake Manor

Initially, I wasn't fond of this song but it's quickly become one of my go-to favorites to throw in if I need something on a moments notice.




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