Breakfast Storytime


After our Good Morning songs, this is what we did for breakfast storytime!

RHYME: Bread and Butter, Marmalade and Jam

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam

Let's say "hello" as fast as we can.


In this song we practice saying "hello" in different ways. Fast/slow, quiet/loud, mean/nice, high/low

Hidden Game: Find The Strawberry

Strawberry, Strawberry, let's take a look. 

Are you under the __color__ cookbook?

For this one I used pieces from our felt version of The Little Mouse, the Red Rip Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear. At one point I had considered reading this story and/or retelling it with the felt pieces.

In Move, Play, Learn: Interactive Storytime with Music and Movement, Alyssa Jewell talks about story dramas as a good element to add into storytimes for  elementary ages. Often, our Saturday storytimes have a wide range of ages that include elementary students. 

To incorporate interactive play in this storytime, I considered reading The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear and then letting the group retell the story on their own with the felt pieces.

This would help with sequencing events and narration skills. However, I ended up writing this idea out of my program. 

BOOK: Foodie Faces by Bill & Claire Wurtzel

SONG: If You Like Scrambled Eggs Clap Your Hands (Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If you like scrambled eggs, clap your hands 
If you like scrambled eggs, clap your hands  
Cause they're yummy and they're yellow and you'll be a happy fellow
If you like scrambled eggs, clap your hand.
Other verses . . . 
If you like your eggs fried jump up high
If you like bacon with your eggs wiggle your legs
If you like toast instead nod your head.

RHYME: Let's Make A Pancake
Let's make a pancake. Pat, pat, pat (clap hands)
Do not make it fat, fat, fat (spread hands further apart with each "fat")
You must keep it flat, flat, flat (press hands together)
Make a pancake just like that (clap loudly)

BOOK: Dozens of Doughnuts by Carrie Finson

FELT ACTIVITY: Down Around the Corner In the Bakery Shop

RHYME: I'm Toast In A Toaster
I'm Toast In A Toaster
Getting Very Hot
Tick, Tock, 
Tick, Tock 
Up I Pop!
And that was that! 




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