My lanterns were based on the same instructions only with shredded purple and yellow tissue paper instead of leaves, to reflect Corona's flag color combination. Also, instead of round cheese containers, Pringles cans cut to size will do just fine.
Supplies used were: Tissue paper, golden suns cut on construction paper, a
Using a medium sized piece of wax paper, we folded them in half and covered one half with glue, tissue paper and the golden sun emblem. Then we added more glue over top and folded along the crease.
From here, we let our lanterns dry and set down to watch the movie. This worked out well for kids who came in late too! They just made their lanterns up to this point and left them on the table.
When they've stiffened up and dried a bit, it's easier to fit them into their tops and bottoms. This part required the most amount of setup as the Pringles cans were cut to be about an inch tall.
The tops and bottoms were wrapped in colorful scrapbook paper and ready for wax paper!
To fit the wax paper into the top was simple enough - I just used a stapler. For the bottoms we pulled out the hot glue gun and glued the edges of the wax paper to the sides of the can bottom. Tape and Elmer's glue just wouldn't cut it for the bottom. (Ignore the crumbs in my test lantern!)
Once these two parts are secured to your lantern, the tea light sets in the bottom and voila - Rapunzel's glowing lantern. We used LED tea lights from Hobby Lobby, which came in a box of 16 for $10 regular price.
One thing I had not considered until a little girl came up and asked was string to hold them. She creatively fashioned her own handle out of her popcorn bag, which I thought was very resourceful.

Overall, this craft was very well received I thought. The main age group of our attendees were early elementary with a few of our Storytime kids.
And the picture looks lame - it was taken with my dinky phone but this is an idea of what it looked like with the lights off.
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