November Story Time


Books read for this November themed story time were "Thank You Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving" by Laurie Halse Anderson and "In November" by Cythia Rylant. The first one was a little long for the group that showed up but the parents really enjoyed it. 

Fun Fact: Our newest national holiday is Juneteenth. It was added in 2021. Before that, Martin Luther King Jr day was our newest holiday, having been added in 1983. 


 We Eat Turkey (tune of Frere Jacques)

We eat turkey x2
Oh so good x2
Always on Thanksgiving x2
Yum, yum, yum x2

last verse. . . 

Dinner's over x2
We are stuffed x2
What a great Thanksgiving x2
Yum, yum, yum x2


4 Baby Owls Learning to Say "Who"

This rhyme comes from Storytime In The Stacks. Click here to read about the fun interactive rhyme

5 Kites

We did this one at the very end, after our scarf songs. In the poem, when the wind blows hard, the kids waved their scarves in the air and when the wind blows hard, they make wind noises. 

Way up high in the sky so blue
5 little kites flew and flew.
The wind blew hard and the wind blew loud
And the wind blew the yellow kite off to the clouds.

How I tied this rhyme in with the November theme was the wind. In November it may feel windier because the air is cold but March is actually said to be the windiest month. I had them guess which month was the windiest. 


Once I Was A Seed

Once I was a seed and I was small, small, small. (hide scarf in fist)
I grew into a tree and now I'm tall, tall, tall. (pull scarf vertically out of fist)
My branches sway in the breeze so soft. (wave in air)
And when it's autumn all my leaves fall off! (toss into air)

Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down (tune of London Bridge)

Autumn leaves are falling down (flutter scarf down)
falling down, falling down
Autumn leaves are falling down
All around the town.

Additional verses . . .

The wind will blow them round and round ( make circle in air with scarf)
Take a rake and rake them up (pretend scarf is a rake)
Now let's jump into a pile (jump and throw scarf in air)




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