The Importance of Reading Story Time


For a 1st grade field trip, I was asked to do a story time about the importance of reading for a group of 80-90. 

BOOK: A Library Book For Bear by Bonny Becker

This book took a few readings before it grew on me but it was a hit. 

In this book we have Bear and Mouse. Bear has exactly 7 books at home and cannot imagine ever needing more. But he's promised Mouse that they could go to the library together. 

Talking points after this book were: Bear was only interested in books about pickles. How did Mouse try to get Bear to read something different? Why did Bear decide he liked the library? How do you choose a book for yourself at the library?

A Library Book For Bear gives the reader opportunities for a handful of different voices, wide sweeping hand motions and raising your voice/ lowering your voice. 

BOOK: Library Books Are Not For Eating by Todd Tarpley

The kids had to help me with this book, which really made this reading great. In this story there is a repeated line, "library books are not for eating".

Whenever the line came up in the story, the group said it along with me. 

For this to work, we used a secret hand signal to indicate when to say the phrase. The hand signal was "library" in ASL. It is a wide sweeping motion so the kids were able to notice very easily when I made this motion.


Songs were kept as generic as possible for this, so no super cool library story time songs for me to share.

The best I can add for this section is we sang "If You're Ready For A Story Clap Your Hands". Verses included: clapping hands, say "let's read a book!", sit so still. 



Happy story telling!!




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