Captain Underpants Book Club Meeting 1


Elementary book clubs meet monthly and for 3 consecutive months, we focus on the same series. 

Each meeting follows the same format: discussion, small activity, big activity. 

For our first meeting, we talked about the George, Harold and how they created Captain Underpants.

This led into a discussion on imagination. 

If you haven't read Scholastic's Classroom Guide for this book series, it is a very beneficial resource to look at

Question 3 is copied from one of the sections. 

Imagination was a GREAT subject to talk about. Our group was very mixed about imagination being a good or bad thing. They each listed reasons/ examples of why it was/wasn't a good thing. Some changed their minds while discussing. 

For question 1, the answer was nearly a universal "inappropriate humor". Quotation marks included because that's exactly how one boy phrased it. 

Word Scrambles

As a group, for our small activity we scrambled simple words like "hamburger" and "waterfall" like George and Harold do in the books. 

This led up to our main activity which was rearranging school signs.

These were made with cardboard, letters printed and cut out on construction paper and lamination film scraps. 

This was the best way I could come up with for the kids to easily rearrange letters. 

There were 4 display boards that the kids went around the room and played with.

At the end, we walked around as a group and read what each other had made.




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