Trash & Garbage Storytime

Book: Trashy Town by Andrea Zimmerman
A short, repetitive book about Mr. Gilly, the Trashman who drives to different locations and picks up trash. Repeating phrase, "Dump it in, smash it down, drive around the trashy town" was a good, hand clapping, foot stomping part for the group.  

Book: Raccoon Tune by Nancy Shaw
Family of raccoons searching for food during the night find a trash can. 

I Stink by Kate & Jim McMullan
Here Come the Garbage Barge by Jonah Winter

 Activity: Help clean up Clifford
Clifford the Big Red Dog hangs out in our department and the kids love to play with him. 

Glass bottles, Coke cans, plastic Coke bottles and newspapers were printed off on cardstock and strips of felt glued to their backs, so they would stick to Clifford. Beside me, I had 4 empty containers with each items picture attached to the front.

For this activity, I told the group that Clifford had been helping clean up trash around the library this morning and had gotten trash stuck in his fur. Could they help me pull the trash from his fur and place it in the right container? 

As kids remove a piece of trash, they sorted it into the correct "trash can".

Songs & Rhymes
Driving In My Car
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
I'm driving in my car
I'm driving in my car
Toot, Toot, Beep, Beep
I'm driving in my car

I'm driving very fast...
I'm driving very slow...
The lights have turned to red....
The lights have turned to yellow...
The lights have turned to green...

If You See A Piece Of Litter Pick It Up
(Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If you see a piece of litter pick it up
If you see a piece of litter pick it up
You will make the world look better if you pick up all the litter 
So if you see a piece of litter pick it up. 

If you see a piece of garbage....

Scarves: Pull out scarves and let the kids pretend to pick up trash with the scarf in hand while singing. Also, write the word "trash" in the air with your scarf.

Rhyme that kids can act out. This comes from Sarah H. at Awesome Story Time
Pick up garbage, and throw it in the bin!
Push it down, and stomp it in!
Carry the cans to the street
for the garbage trucks to eat.
When the truck comes roaring by
workers lift the cans up high.
Garbage falls into the back.
Crush it, mash it, smash it flat!
Set the cans down with a thump.
Now drive that garbage to the dump!

See the Litter? Pick It Up
(Tune: London Bridge Is Falling Down)
See the litter? Pick it up
Pick it up, pick it up
See the litter? Pick it up
We're not litterbugs.

Flannel Board
5 Little Raccoons
Five raccoons digging in the trash
To dig in the dirt and play, play, play
1 stopped digging and ran away.
How many are left?




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