🎉HARRY POTTER Birthday Celebration 🎉
It's always a huge sign of relief when Summer Reading is over, the kiddies go back to school, you don't have to constantly print and fold reading logs and you can take the long needed breath. Summers are HARD in the Children's department!! But this year, we had a completely different reason to looking forward to the end of July... HARRY POTTER CELEBRATION!!
For this program we had multiple board games set out, snacks and a craft. This was set up as a come and go event for the teens but most of those who came stayed for the entire length of the program, which was completely fine!
Board Games
The board games we had available were: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Trivia Game, Harry Potter Uno, and Harry Potter Scene It .
If you've never played Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Trivia game, you should. It's one of my favorites. It was released in 2000, so a year before the movie which means the questions are based on the book - a great way to differentiate the readers from the non-readers 😉
Another type of game we had was Choose Wisely - a form of bean boozled roulette, created by this user at Craftster.org.
If you're not familiar with Bean Boozled Jelly Beans, the gist of it is, there are two flavors of each color jelly bean in the box. So there would be two jelly beans that look identical but one would be buttered popcorn whereas the other is rotten egg. Or one is Berry Blue while the other is toothpaste.
You will need:
- Bean Boozled Beans
- Dice with 1,2,3 and ALL written on all sides. If you use a 6 sided die, 2 numbers can be duplicated.
Rules explained in the picture 🔺🔺🔺
CRAFT: Picture Frames
This is probably one of my favorite crafts to do for teen events like this. It's easy to gather supplies for and really, all you have to do is find pictures online to print off! This Website is a great place to find printable prop replicas like for books and labels and sort.
Here's a PDF to the images I gathered to print off... CLICK ME
Here's a PDF to the images I gathered to print off... CLICK ME
We had sequins, markers, small hp iconic shapes printed on regular paper that could be cut out, glitter glue - a crowd favorite amongst these guys- and scrap paper to decorate with. All you do, is pick a picture to use, glue it on some cardboard backing and start decorating! (Of course, anything with sequins and glitter is usually going to result in a huge mess but I'll gladly spend a little extra time cleaning up if it makes the event a little extra special).
The cardboard backing is super easy for us to come by. They're just cardboard rectangles approximately 20x14 inches that come in packages with our book orders on occasion (If I'm remembering correctly). If we cut them in half then they're basically the PERFECT size for this craft.

Here's one picture I was able to snag before the program ended...And of course, this person just glued a huge piece of construction paper over their cardboard.
Overall, we had a good sized crowd of passionate Harry Potter fans and the group seemed to have a great time!
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