With creative collaborative websites and online blogs, it's so easy for us DIY-ers to compare ourselves to every random Jane Doe we come across online. I LOVE scouring the interwebs, seeing what creative creations people can come up with. And should I even mention my Pinterest addiction? For me personally, when it comes to my crafting, I am
Where The Wild Things Are bulletin board
Where The Wild Things Are bulletin board
By Anna Tyszka
When the summer reading decorations are taken down, the children's department looks so boring. The room goes from vibrant colors and exciting displays in every spare corner back to bare beige. What better way to help this transition than a bright, book-inspired bulletin board?! The characters were traced onto poster board and colored using oil pastels. Leaves are
Harry Potter Birthday Party
Harry Potter Birthday Party
By Anna Tyszka
🎉HARRY POTTER Birthday Celebration 🎉 It's always a huge sign of relief when Summer Reading is over, the kiddies go back to school, you don't have to constantly print and fold reading logs and you can take the long needed breath. Summers are HARD in the Children's department!! But this year, we had a completely different reason to
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About Me
Hello! My name is Anna and welcome to my blog. I enjoy reading, crafting, and the like. I'm always looking for new crafting ideas and since I'm continuously taken to other peoples blogs, I thought "why not make my own?"
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