I Survived the Attack of the Grizzilies, 1967 *** Grizzly Bear Relay Race

This is the relay race played during our I Survived book club meeting for I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967. A thorough (ish) overview of that months meeting can be found here 😁

In the book, two teenage girls are attacked by two grizzly bears on the very same night at Glacier National Park. Prior to this, no one believed bears capable of such violence. Rangers theorize that these attacks were encouraged by park employees and visitors baiting bears, leaving trash and feeding bears from cabin porches.

In this game, groups are gathering food that bears find naturally in the wild . Here goes...

Objective: Gather the most food items to bring back to your teams table aka "cave".
How To Play: Each team was given a single pair of "bear claws" (wide tooth combs from Dollar Tree). Playing tag team style, players use bear claws to gather food items to bring back to team table. Food items were: moths (Styrofoam balls), meat (beanbags), berries (pom pom balls). Any items that fall on the way to the "cave" does not count and must remain on the floor.

The table contents are hard to see in this picture, but there were 3 separate tables with the different foods on them.

When all food items have been picked from the table, whichever group has the most amount of items wins.

Each team had their own table to dump their food after retrieval.

Preparation: Prep work involved collecting items and assigning names to them.
Grizzly bears primarily eat plants (berries, roots, grasses, leaves), meat (moose, caribou calves, squirrels, fish) and even moths. These were the items I settled on..

Berries - I picked out all the blue and purple pom poms.

Meat - Shark bean bags were from left over from our shark attack I Survived meeting, hearts were in our supply and I quickly stitched together some deer heads together.
Moths - You read this article, right?
For a different element, players could opt out of gathering meat and berries with their claws and attempt to throw a moth into the bears mouth during their turn instead.

Players stood behind a taped line to throw. These were worth double points at the end.
Here's the bear I made. It was printed out, colored and attached to cardboard. The mouth was cut out and a gallon sized plastic bag was stapled to it - this was to know what balls made it into the bears mouth. Cardboard was given legs to help it stand. 

Each team had a different bear to toss moths into. Team bears were differentiated by different colored eyes, e.i. the green teams bear had green eyes.

And that's basically the gist of it! I'm a little distracted typing this up so I probably shouldn't publish this. ... I'll make a note to re-read this later.




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