Storytime Songs and Rhymes

This is (will be.... hopefully) a master list of different original songs and rhymes used in story times. For now, it's tiny... It's a work in progress. This idea was inspired by Storytime Katie. 😁 Enjoy!


Flannel board: Five Fluffy Sheep

Five fluffy sheep were drinking from a trough.

Bah, bah, bah, they said, "This water hits the spot"

One had his fill and so he trotted off..

How many sheep are left, drinking from the trough?

(four fluffy sheep, three, two, one...)


Flannel board: Five Pink Piggies

Five pink piggies sheep were eating from a trough.

Oink, oink, oink they said, "This is good slop"

One had his fill and so he trotted off..

How many piggies were left, eating from the trough?

(four pink piggies, three, two, one...)


SONG: Little Kitten

(Tune: Frere Jacques)

Little Kitten, Little Kitten

Sitting up so tall

Give a tiny meow, give a tiny meow

Share your call, share your call

( Little kitten/ Give an angry hiss…

Big Strong Lion/ Give a mighty roar…)

Action Rhyme: Elephants

A big, grey elephant walks around

 Stomping, stomping, stomping the ground. 

When it gets too hot, he'll flap his ears

And this cools him down from his feet to his rear.

His tail waggles, he feels so relaxed.

Time to eat, there's a perfect spot of grass. 

His grey trunk reaches down to the floor, 

Swishing right, then left, the right once more. 

He grabs some grass, brings it up to his mouth

And you know what he says? 

Mmm Mmm Mmm, that's yummy! 




Rhyme: Bumblebee, Bumblebee

Bumblebee, Bumblebee, flying around

Bumblebee, Bumblebee, what's that sound?

Bumblebee, Bumblebee, come closer so I can hear.

Bumblebee, Bumblebee, whisper in my ear.

Bumblebee, Bumblebee says buzz, buzz, buzz

But tickles my neck, because he's covered in fuzz.



 SONG: In the Water of a Shallow Lake 

In the water of a shallow lake, (crouch on the ground)

A tiny egg begins to shake. (shaking)

A tadpole hatches and it looks like this (stand up straight with our feet together)

With a giant head, that’s hard to miss.  (hands in circle overhead)

But then…

Two Legs, (jump out with two legs)

Two arms, (lower arms)

His tail disappears (shake butt)

What animal is it now? It’s a frog!

 Used in Frogs and Bugs Storytime 

Community Workers 

Song: The Rain Is Falling Down (Mail Song)

(tune: The Farmer In The Dell)

The rain is falling down (falling fingers)
The rain is falling down (falling fingers)
But without fail, we'll get our mail (swing arm, raise finger)
The rain is falling down (falling fingers)
Other Verses:
The snow is floating down (shiver)
The sleet is sliding down (sliding clap)
The hail is beating down (clap) 
The storm is raging on (stomp feet and pat knees) 

Historical Figures

Action Rhyme: Columbus, Columbus

Columbus, Columbus, sailing the seas (pilot a boat)

Columbus, Columbus, searching for the Indies (look in the distance)

The Nina, The Pinta, The Santa Maria (count with fingers)

Finding land to claim for the glory of Spain. (Superman pose or pretend to plant flag in ground?)

Action Rhyme: Johnny Appleseed

Johnny grabbed his bag of seeds

And he donned his cooking pot hat. 

Walking west

He didn't rest 

Because planting appleseeds was his quest.


Mythical Creatures

Song: Does Your Dragon Fly Low?

(tune: Do Your Ears Hang Low; by a coworker)

Does your dragon fly high? (Fly hand high)

Does your dragon fly low? (fly hand low)

Does it breathe out fire (flutter hands in front of mouth)

Till you tell it "No, No!" (shake finger)

Does it stomp into its cave (stomp feet)

Looking scary and brave? (make scary face or brave stand)

Does your dragon fly low? (fly hand low)


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