National Poetry Month Passive Program (for kids)

Our Poetry Month Passive Program table in the Youth Services Department focused on acrostic poems and nursery rhymes.

These are vertical poems in which each letter begins a word.

I made one using my coworkers name since mine only has 2 different letters. 

These were the only take-home element of the table.

For my posterboard prompt, I basically made a large coloring sheet.

Kids were instructed to write  words inside the letters that began with each of the different letters. 

Here's a close up. 

There were 3 different posterboards that could be changed out through out the month so the table wouldn't get stale.

It's a good thing February is short though - by the last week, this activity was feeling old, despite the different words.

The other activity on this table were Nursery Rhyme Blocks. This was not an original idea but I'm not sure where it came from.

For this activity, I used 4 well known songs and put text over image. 

The blocks were made by myself using cardboard and hot glue.

My images were printed off onto cardstock paper and glued to cardboard. 

They were then glued together with a top and bottom and became blocks. 

The blocks held up VERY well; I was expecting the facings to be torn off at some point during the month but they weren't. 

One of our storytime families would solve a different rhyme each week since there were 4 different ones that could be done.

While the blocks did take time to create, these 2 activities required minimal upkeep throughout the month which is always a good thing in my book!




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