Research Robot Passive Program

The Research Robot was a passive program that encouraged kids to research using books set out on the table and as a rotating non-fiction display.

This display was changed weekly, with questions ranging from "Who painted the Mona Lisa?" to "How many moons does Jupiter have?" to "What did Paul Bunyan do for a living?".

Animal questions were the favorite though! But really, who's surprised by that?

Every Monday, a new question was put out with a selection of books that contained the answer.

The answer to last weeks question was always included on the new sign.

There was no prize for feeding your answer to the Research Robot, although SEVERAL kids asked.

Originally, the robot was a square box, covered in construction paper, cut to make him look robotic with a plain basket of answer sheets and pencils. Sad to say, but when he got a makeover, he generated a lot more attention!

Here are a couple pictures.

On his left side, those pieces of paper are the answer sheets. Pencils were also kept in there. This cleaned the table up since we didn't have to have a basket of pencils and answer sheets. 

A slot to feed your answers into... (should have been at his mouth, I know)
I cut up a yellow envelope and used the attachments to close him up in the back. This was so I could easily open him up and get my answers out of him at the end of the week.

Just an easy maintenance, quick display and passive program idea. Plus, the kids are learning as they participate!




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