Get Well Soon Storytime


Action Rhyme: I've Got A Cold

I've got a cold (point to yourself)
My nose can't smell (point to your nose)
My eyes are red (point to eyes)
I don't feel well (hand on head)
So I'll drink my juice (pretend to drink)
And go to bed . . . (fold hands under head)
My nose feels better (points to nose)
And so does my head! (point to head)

Use your best stuffy nose voice until bedtime, then for the last 2 lines, use your normal voice. 

Before our poem, we all practiced using our stuffy nose voices by introducing ourselves. 

Song: Herman the Worman

Sitting on a fence post chewing my bubble gum (smack, smack, smack, smack)
Playing with my yoyo.
Doowap, doowap, doowap (pretend to yoyo)
Doowap, doowap, doowap (pretend to yoyo)
And along came Herman the Worman
and he was this big (indicate size with fingers/hands)
I said, "Yo Herman, what's up?"
He said, "I ate my sister".

Repeat verses with Herman getting larger as he eats through the family (sister, brother, dog, mother, father - some combination like that).

This song was included after mentioning how sometimes food can make us sick whether it be allergies, food poisoning or (in this case) over-eating.

Flannel Story: 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Freddy the Frog brought our story time clues to help us figure out our theme.

SurLaLune Storytime was a valuable resource for this theme.


Flying Ford Anglia Passive Program

 "Ron, I should tell you, most muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car!"

Harry Potter Bulletin Board 2022


These characters are copies of this artwork found in a google search. 

They were copied onto poster board and color was added. 




Mail Storytime

 While my Story Times usually last about 30 minutes, this one last ONE HOUR & 15 MINUTES!! Total anomaly and I'll tell you all about it after I give you the run-down for this themed Story Time.

July 4 Passive Program


In addition to a book display, this poster board prompt was put out on a table the week prior to July 4th. 

All the answers were really great! The one that most people commented on was, "I would change gas prices".