Among Us YA Book Display

Books themes are characters who are imposters or pretending to be something they're not,  who-dun-it's, murder mystery types and mistaken identity. 

To sit on the library shelves so people will know to go and look at the book display, I made these 4 signs.

They're printed onto card stock and taped to book ends. 

Click here for a printable PDF of them. 

2 of mine have the location of our YA book Display on them - " I saw Purple at the Young Adult Book Display (under the staircase)" 

... that phrase "(under the staircase)" has been removed from the PDF 😁

Ignore the mess! 

This is what all my display stand-up look like together (minus the shelf talkers). 

If you'd like to read about how I got my display characters to stand-up, read my post here



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