Banned Books Week 2018

Inspiration for this idea came from a picture off Pinterest of library books in a cage. The librarian who had done it had huge metal chains and locks around the cage, like the one you can buy from a Halloween store. (If I can ever find the original image I'll post it here!) The idea was absolutely adorable so I had to recreate it at my library!
Instead of a cage, I used an Extra Large dog crate.

We made CAUTION/ BANNED BOOKS tape with yellow crepe streamer and the words written over it. This is taped around the cage in no rhyme or reason.

For the banners, we printed off the letters onto cardstock and taped them onto pages torn out from a discarded book. The edges of the cardstock was aged with a stamp pad. These were hung to use up the dead space up at the top of the crate.

We also wrapped a spare box in these pages too to set books on top of. Just to add a bit of dimension.

Each book had a disclaimer attached to its jacket giving the reason why it was either banned or challenged.

Here's a link to the PDF of the book jacket covers!

We had lots of positive feedback on this display. And a good bit of people asking why these books were in a cage.

If you have access to a dog crate or any type of cage, this is definitely an attention grabbing display!

 Thanks to this big lug for giving up his crate for the week!


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